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Case Studies


Welcome to the World of Game Centric. 

Welcome to the World of Game Centric. 

Welcome to the World of Game Centric. 

We will establish, research and implement strategies to sell more games.
We will make proposals based on the data we have collected on gamers around the world.

Marketing Strategy Planning

Based on market research, such as the number of Steam users in a country and trends in sales of games, we communicate with developers and plan effective marketing measures.

Marketing Implementation

Set a budget based on the above planning in the appropriate location and platformso that the game can attract attention of targeted people.

Press Release

Writers who know the content and appeal of the game will write articles that make the game appealing to the general public while highlighting unique aspects of the game.The articles are then sent to the media for publication.

Advertising Operations

Operate advertisements based on appropriate advertising strategies.

Other Case Studies


We provide backup in game development and localize games.



We will establish, research and implement strategies to sell more games.
We will make proposals based on the data we have collected on gamers around the world.



We will develop and implement strategies to sell more games not only in Japan but also in other major overseas countries.



We provide solutions to problems in game development.



It takes many collaborators for a game to make its mark on history.
A game can connect the various agencies through which it is created and disseminated to the world,
and survive on its own initiative, like a living organism.
Our goal is to create such an environment.